6 Easy ways How to Lose Weight | Reeji Writes

 Are you worried about your weight gain in this quarantine? Do you want to just get rid of this unwanted weight from your body and keeping it off? Are you following some diet plans but it doesn't help you in weight loss? Do you want to lose weight without a strict diet plan? So here are some good tips for you How to Lose Weight fast. Not everyone, but many of us gain our weight during this time period of a pandemic because of overeating and less work. But don't worry here I am with some good tips plus remedies to lose your weight quickly.

How to Lose Weight quickly

There are many ways to lose weight but it doesn't mean you have to follow a tough diet for it. I am going to share some easiest and simple tricks that you can follow in your daily routine to lose weight.


How to Lose Weight

6 Easy Ways How to Lose Weight 

  1. What is the best diet for weight loss:

  • Eat healthy and clean:

The first question arises is what we should eat and what we shouldn't eat. I'm not in favor of strict diet plans, although they are helpful but they have a lot of side effects on your body that you never know. So my suggestion and experience say you must have to eat clean and healthy. As we all know that junk foods, fizzy drinks, sugars, fried foods, and starches are not good for our health so we must avoid them. When we cut down from these things and start eating healthy like veggies and fruits. This should be the first step out of all the 6 ways for How to Lose Weight quickly. 

Eat clean is one way  How to Lose Weight

  • Count your calories:

The second and most important thing you must have to know is your daily calorie intake. If you eat fewer calories than you burn, you can lose your weight easily. Check-in and maintain your calorie intake and must count your daily calorie intake. Always remember that 'Don't skip your meal ever'. Hey! If you are thinking that by skipping your meal you can lessen your calorie intake so you are wrong. Because taking a meal on time is another important way to lose weight. If you are not doing this, it slows down your metabolism, and your body changes in other ways.

count calories for How to Lose Weight fast

Also, you can take care of one more thing that is ''A calorie is not always a calorie'' what it means that if you are taking 100 calories from a pack of packaged food ( like crisps or cookies ) and 100 calories from any fruit or vegetable and thinking it is same. NO! This is your biggest mistake. There is a great difference between these two types of calorie intake.

  • Eat more Fiber and Cut down your Carbs:

Do you know why we take more fiber and how it is helpful in weight loss?? Let you know that taking a meal full of fiber makes you feel fuller than your normal meal and it contains fewer calories also. So it becomes a bonus point for you that you are feeling full by taking fewer calories. On the other hand, you must have to cut down your carbs such as pasta, rice, french fries, etc. It doesn't mean you just totally cut down them from your life but you have to control your emotional eating here. Because you have to eat clean.  But here I must say don't just totally skip them however, make their intake once in a week or twice or thrice in a month. 

Eat more fibre is another way How to Lose Weight
Credit: Google Images

2. How to Lose Weight by drinking water?

So as we all know drinking a lot of water is very necessary for our health but how and why? Let you know about when you drink more water at least 15 to 16 glasses of water daily It would be proved a great helping hand for you to lose weight quickly. Drinking more water will increase your metabolic rate and increase satiety. It will wash all the harmful toxins of your body and make you feel lighter and also help to reduce your sugar cravings.

drinking water second easy trick for How to Lose Weight

As drinking simple and clean water is very helpful but If you want to lose your weight more quickly I have a remedy of Detox Fluid that will be helpful for you. What you have to do is take a jug full of water then take 2 lemons and simply cut them into two pieces, add half a spoon of ginger powder into it, add some mint leaves, and the last thing to add is slices of one cucumber into it. Mix it well in water with the help of a spoon and cover this mixture properly for the whole night. The next day you have to drink this water for the whole day. Repeat this daily for one or two months. It will surely help you to lose weight quickly.

How to Lose Weight by detox fluid

3. Is Green Tea helpful for weight loss?

So, If you want to know the answer to this question It will be Yes for sure! Green Tea is also proved very beneficial for How to Lose Weight quickly. It will make your body's metabolism more efficient. Metabolism is basically converting your food and drink into usable energy. So green tea boosts your metabolism. But you don't need to drink too much green tea. Just took it for two or three times a day and especially in the morning before your breakfast and at the night after your dinner.

How to Lose Weight by drinking green tea

Now I'm going to share a magical remedy of Herbal Green tea with you which will actually help you in weight loss quickly. It's very simple and easy to make. First took some dry mint leaves or any green tea available to you and add it into boiling water then add some fennel seeds, and a small piece of cinnamon into it and let them boil well. In the end, you have to squeeze a lemon into it and just enjoy your magical green tea. This will surely help you to reduce unwanted added weight from your body and helps to shed extra kilos. 

How to Lose Weight by herbal green tea

4. Is workout helpful to Lose Weight Quickly?

So yeah! It will help you a lot. Wanna know how? Let me tell you Exercise is an important one out of 6 ways on How to Lose Weight. It doesn't matter you have a weight gain problem or not because it is necessary for all of us. It keeps us healthy and fit both physically and mentally. But here it doesn't mean start heavy workouts from youtube or anywhere directly. No! it's not right for you and for your body also. We must first get our body familiar to it that what's going on. So you have to start with simpler and easier exercises. You start with a morning walk and then add a little bit of running into a routine. Just make your body used to of it. Then it starts working for you. Do some Cardio exercises like skipping can be beneficial for you How to Lose Weight Fast.
How to Lose Weight by workout

The next which is one of the most asked questions is ''which workout suits you the best''. So you want to get your body in shape and start getting fit by workout, but you are not sure what is the perfect workout for you? So you can choose any exercise that will make your heart stronger and satisfied or by which you will feel much better. If you want to look fit and pretty any exercise is a bonus. Just worth your time by spending it on the right exercise that actually makes you feel happy. Here are some suggestions for you cycling, walking, running, yoga, gymnastics powerlifting, hiking, and anything else you can think of. 
How to Lose Weight by light exercises

 One thing you have to remember here is 'Stay Motivated'. Don't just feel fed up after a week or month. It's not a joke. It will take time and you have to be motivated. Now exercises do one more thing that reminds us to make better food choices. We are not doing this at all that we worked out today so now we can eat 5000 calories! Instead, we surely do this ''I exercised today so I'm going to stick on my eating strategy.'' So you just start eating healthy. 
How to Lose Weight by staying motivated

5. How to Lose Weight by controlling emotional eating?

We are not always eating only when we are hungry. Sometimes it is due to many reasons like someone starts eating when he/she feels stressed or to fulfill his/her midnight cravings or when he/she feels bored, lonely low in energy, etc. This emotional eating can make a big difference in your weight loss efforts. You must find healthier and mindful ways to calm yourself. Like when you are feeling stressed do meditation or go for a walk or for a bath. Listen to music that freshens your mind and soul and feel you make more energetic. When you feel lonely or bored go meet your friends or call them or go somewhere you feel happy like a park or mall- anywhere you feel comfortable.
control emotional eating for How to Lose Weight
Credit: Google Images

You can get rid of midnight cravings so you have to practice mindful eating. Avoid eating when you are doing something like while watching TV or driving. Pay proper attention when you are eating and eat slowly. One more important thing stop eating before you are full.

6. Stay Positive: 

This thing is very important in your weight loss journey. Yeah! you have to stay positive. It does not always happen that one thing or diet plan that is working for someone else will work for you too because our bodies respond differently to different foods and that totally depends on genetics and other health factors. So don't ever demotivate yourself by thinking such type of stuff like it's not working for me and I can't lose weight ever. If you want to lose weight you will have to be patient, make some commitments, and do experiments with different types of foods. Always remember that slow and steady wins the race. Losing weight too fast is sometimes not good for you and makes you feel lazy and sick. You must need proper sleep also. Because lack of sleep will make you more hungry than normal.

How to Lose Weight fast by staying positive

One more interesting trick to Stay motivated is to choose the old dress that is pretty tight for you now and set a goal to make it fit for you in the future. Wear it after a week or two weeks to check it out. Like this, you can set goals for you to keep yourself motivated. Also, you can download apps in your Smartphone that can keep you on track and work as a reminder also. 

Conclusion-Which diet plan I follow:

Ok then now I'm going to share what I do for weight loss and which diet plan I followed? As I said, I am not in favor of any strict diet plans so I actually don't follow any diet plan. I just follow the simple tips mention above and apply them in my daily life routine. Completely cut down to the packaged food and just try to eat healthy and homemade food. Lessen my carbs intake and just control myself from emotional eating. As I am a great lover of desserts but I just control myself from eating them for 3 to 4 months and believe me I lost 6-7 kgs without following any strict diet plan. These are the tricks I follow. So try all these tricks on ''How to Lose Weight fast''. In fact, follow these tricks and you'll get good results.



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