10 Best Tips for Healthy Skin | Reeji Writes

Are you looking for a healthy skin care routine?  Are you worried about your damaged and hardened skin? So yeah you are at the right place. Healthy Skin is, no doubt, a great blessing. When we think about Skin care goals, the words that come to mind are glowing and beautiful. At this time of rush, everyone is busy in their daily routines and don't have time for intensive skin care. But don't worry you can still better your skin by following these basic and amazing tips. I am here with these amazing and effective tips for you to get Healthy Skin. So let's Get Started with them.

Best Tips for Healthy skin

Skin Care: 10 Best Tips for Healthy Skin

1. Wear Sunscreen:

The first and most important tip for Healthy Skin is to protect your skin from the sun. Yes! Too much exposure to the sun is not good for your skin. It can cause wrinkles, age spots, and many other skin problems. Along with this It also increases the risk of skin cancer. So please just wear your sunscreen whenever you go outside. 

Apply Sunscreen for Healthy Skin

  • What type of Sunscreen we use?

You should use any type of sunscreen you like enough to wear on regular basis. A clean and mineral-based Sunscreen should be applied on daily basis. But one important thing you have to note is it's SPF (Sun Protection Factor) must be 30 or stronger (if you have sensitive skin). Apply it smoothly on your skin and re-apply it after two hours. It protects your skin from Suntan also. So if you are not using it yet start the use of it.
SPF 30 for Healthy Skin

  •  What other things you should follow for sun protection?

You should avoid the sun from 12 p.m to 4 p.m because at this time sun rays are very strong. Also, you can protect your skin from the sun by protective clothing such as by wearing hats, long sleeve shirts, scarves, etc. They help to prevent your skin from being exposed to the sun.

Wear hats- sun protection for Healthy Skin

2. Clean your skin regularly:

Obviously, cleaning your skin regularly helps you to keep your skin healthy. It is very important because from this you wash your skin and remove all the dirt and bacteria from it. So, daily cleansing is very important. Remember one thing that washes your skin gently with smooth hands. Also, avoid strong soaps because they strip oil from your skin and damage your skin. So, use mild cleansers instead of these strong soaps. Limit your bath time and don't take too much hot water for bathing as they also damage your skin and make it dry.

Cleanse your face for Healthy Skin

3.  Moisturize your Skin:

After cleansing, the next important step to keep your skin healthy is applying moisturizer that suits you best.  After washing or bathing, dry your skin by gently pat or blot with a towel so that your skin doesn't become completely dry. If you have dry skin then must apply a moisturizer that fits your skin type. Choose your moisturizer wisely because whatever you put on your skin it absorbs and gets in your bloodstream and may irritate your skin. So, choose a moisturizer that contains SPF in it for daily use. Coconut oil is another good moisturizer for your skin as it contains vitamin E and K, which nourish and protect your skin.

Moisturize your skin for Healthy Skin

4. Eat Clean:

So yeah eating healthy and clean is another effective tip for Healthy Skin. A healthy diet can improve your health and the health of your skin too. So, instead of packaged food, excess sugar, and saturated fat, you must eat a diet full of fruits, proteins, and vegetables. Also, replace your fizzy drinks with freshly homemade natural juices. Eat fruits and vegetables full of vitamins to make sure that your body is getting the right amount of minerals and nutrients. Nuts and fishes are also highly recommended for Healthy Skin. So, you must say ''Healthy Diet = Healthy Skin''
Eat clean for Healthy Skin

5. Stay Hydrated:

Drinking water is also one of the important tips for Healthy Skin. Water can wash all the harmful toxins from your body and make your skin more clear and glowing. It also transports oxygen to your skin cells. So, it's not a myth you must have to drink plenty of water daily to keep yourself hydrated. Drink almost 8 to 10 glasses of water daily and you could notice a big change in your skin. It also prevents you from dehydration which can cause your skin to look older earlier than you think. So don't forget to drink plenty of water.

Drink more water for Healthy skin

6.  Minimize Stress:

Have you ever noticed when you are stressed due to some reason like exams or job interviews your skin gets started broken out? I know it's not easy as said, but we know that stress can cause serious skin problems such as breakouts, acne, or other serious problems. Also, it's not good for your healthy state of mind. A healthy mind leads to a healthy body as well as skin. So, encourage your healthy skin by minimizing and managing your stress and make your skin glowing and beautiful. Some important way to minimize your stress is to do meditation, yoga, go for a walk, take proper sleep, meet your friends, etc.

Minimize stress for Healthy Skin

7. Exercise daily:

Regular exercise not only keeps you healthy and strong, but it can also play a vital role in Healthy Skin. Exercise can help us to improve the health of your body organs such as the heart, lungs, and also of Skin. When you exercise, you sweat more which is a great way to clean out the pores in your skin. But be careful must wash yourself properly after exercises so do not let the sweat settle in your skin and cause any damage or spoiled skin. It also improves the circulation of your body that makes your skin fresher and relaxes.

Exercise daily for Healthy Skin

 8. Get Enough Sleep:

Getting enough quality sleep is essential for Healthy Skin. If you are not taking a proper sleep of at least 6 to 8 hours (recommended) you must face a problem of skin issues like breakouts, acne, fine lines, and wrinkles. It also causes dark circles under your eyes that make your skin duller and unhealthy. Poor sleep can cause increased signs of skin problems and anti-aging. So, you must have plenty of sleep daily by considering it beauty sleep for yourself.

Get proper sleep for Healthy skin

9. Use less Makeup and clean your makeup tools:

 The use of makeup on daily basis can damage your skin badly.  When you apply makeup it blocks your pores and limits your skin's contact with oxygen. Due to this, your skin leads to irritation and damage. Although it becomes a need of our lives so do this in a better way and with precautions such as limit the use of makeup you wear and by cleaning your makeup tools like brushes, sponges, bags, etc can cause less irritation or damage to your skin. One more important thing to remember is that remove your makeup properly before you go to sleep because keeping makeup on your skin cause very adverse effects on your skin.

Clean makeup tools for Healthy Skin

10. Use Vitamin C:

Vitamin C is one of the best vitamins for the skin. You can eat things full of Vitamin C and also apply it directly to the skin. It is one of the best topical ingredients for glowing and clear skin. But remember don't do both things together means either you take vitamin C or apply it on skin. Do one thing at a time otherwise it will be a problem causing also. Vitamin C works for all skin types and can fade hyper-pigmentation and protect against environmental aggression. So use Vitamin C in any form you want and enjoy its benefits.
Use Vitamin C products for your Healthy Skin

All these tips play a vital role in your Healthy Skin care routine. Taking proper care of your skin will lead you a healthy and glowing skin. You can follow all these tips by knowing one more interesting thing that these things will also help you with weight loss. So these tips will prove bonus tips for you when you follow them. If you want to know some more easy and related ways for How to Lose Weight check them by clicking there. 


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